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The Vision 


Children grow and thrive in a community of people who are unified, equipped, and intentional.  Many parents say, "My child wasn't born with a manual."  Isn't that the truth?!  But, if we come together and build off of the knowledge, tools, and skills of one another we can create a movement where kid's lives are truly impacted for the better.  Join us, as we create life-giving community for the children we influence daily!  The Village Parent Connection offers Parenting Classes and Individualized Parent Coaching.

Parent Coaching

Empowering a child begins with empowering the parent and bringing harmony to the home.  There is a lot of pressure from various places and its easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out as a parent.  Some of life's events can create difficult transitions for the whole family.  Parent-child relationships get rocky and times.  Whatever the struggle, there is a way to create positive growth and flow.  To achieve this, parents must embrace an attitude of continuous learning and adaptability.  Let me help you enhance your parenting toolbox on this journey of discovery!

The Love & Logic Approach?

"Love and Logic is a philosophy founded in 1977 by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D. It is the approach of choice among leading educators, parents, and other professionals worldwide. The Love and Logic Institute is dedicated to making parenting and teaching fun and rewarding, instead of stressful and chaotic."

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