7 Habits for Becoming a Happier Parent
About 2 years ago I started the process of learning an extremely hard lesson in parenting. To keep it short, I was tremendously...
Easing Into a New Summer Routine
There you are, staring at the calendar at the next 3 months wondering how you will survive! 2 months ago you were shuffling from soccer...
The Rhythm of the Night (and Day!)
It won’t always feel like it, but children desperately want to sleep at night! Human-beings don’t just sleep because we have nothing...
How to Prepare Your Child for Fall Daylight Saving Time
In my experience as a Parent Coach, many of my clients express concern about the dreaded time change that happens twice a year: DAYLIGHT...
5 Books For the Adventure of Potty Training
Say the words “potty training” and most parents cringe. Their heart starts beating a little faster, their eyes widen, and their mind...
Children's Books: How to keep your child engaged while reading
Did you know that didactic reading is more effective in teaching a child than just simply reading while the child remains quiet? What the...