Teach Your Child to Sleep Independently, The Gentle Way
Child sleep can be a tricky situation in the world of respectful parenting. We don't want to create a power struggle, but we also...
My Kids are so Different! Learning to parent for each child's needs
A couple weeks ago I was speaking to a group of wonderful mommas. After my presentation the moms were discussing the questions I gave...
Afterschool Meltdowns: How to handle them
With fall comes a new school year and new routine for many families. Regardless of the type of school your child attends, this...
Why do Kids Test Boundaries? And How to Handle it
It’s common for parents to feel that their child is CONSTANTLY pushing their buttons… and if you’re anything like me, these moments make...
Common Parenting Pitfalls: What's yours?
As parents we are each unique in our own way. We each want to nurture our children to the best of our ability. Most could agree that we...
What’s Really Behind Most Power Struggles?
Have you ever found yourself thinking, "My child just wants to pick a fight with me", or "Why can't we just have a peaceful day?" Chances...
My TOP 5 Parenting Books for Parents of Young Children
One of the most common questions I get asked is which parenting books I recommend. I wanted to take a minute to share with you my TOP 5!...
"Help! I've tried it all! Nothing is working."
You're a wonderful parent with the best of intentions. You notice your approach with your child may need some adjusting. And that’s...
Teaching Children the Art of Contentment
Where in the world did 2021 go? I don't know about you but the last year feels like it was merely a flash in the bucket! Many of us are...
Featured in Colorado Parent Magazine
Read the article about gentle parenting techniques here!